Sculpture is a far more physically demanding process. Whereas you can suggest forms and textures in a painting you must be explicit in sculpture. There is no cheating! It's also very messy and usually requires working in an environment saturated in toxins of all kinds. Like a Makeup Effects Shop! Let's not even mention the building of armatures. Although it can be exhausting, for me the end result can be the most rewarding of all. My favorite items to display in my own house are castings of sculptures from various film projects. The majority of the work in my career as a sculptor has been the creation of appliances for various old age and character makeups of which, unfortunately I have taken no photographs. It is hard to justify taking out the old camera and setting up the lighting to take a marvelous picture of an isolated 'forehead' or 'eye bag' as the individual elements of an elaborate makeup are all created separately and do not come together until they are applied onto an actor's face. For a few pictures of these makeups as they appeared on film please see the 'Film Characters' page. Most of what you see here is sculpted in oil based clays such as Roma Plastelina, various grades of Chavant, and of course the best water-based clay: weda. Did I mention that I hate building armatures? Armatures are the work of Satan!