This page is a sort of halfway house for images that are finally allowed to see the light of day after waiting as much as two years in their 'legal chains'. Huddled in dark corners and fed only dead rats and human filth, these miserable wretches pray to Jesus with all their might for the day the movie they belong to is finally released to the public so they can come outside and play like other children. Sometimes they contract truly awful diseases such as leprosy and Turrets syndrome due to the sadistic deprivation and unthinkable conditions which they are forced to endure by a heartless business that cares nothing for them. Often they are missing limbs, teeth and other vital parts that you and I take for granted. Beaten till they are unrecognizable, even to their creator they have no choice but to fall into their own waste and beg for the sweet release of death. Forgive them if they smell badly for they are not to blame. They have love to give, just like everyone else. Won't you help them learn to help themselves?

Cry for the children.